On 27 September, 2019, within the international project “BALTPREP – enhancing regional preparedness and response capacity for major accidents in the Baltic Sea region” representative of the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) joined a project group meeting in Berlin, Germany.
The team was working on preparing a regional preparedness plan. It should be useful and important tool to strengthen the cooperation among the Red Cross national societies in Baltic Sea region.
to The plan will decribe the order of how to organise exchanging information and requesting and receiving help in case of disaster situations and emergencies (or their threats). It will also include guidelines of coordination of response events among Red Cross national societies in Baltics Sea Region.
All Red Cross National Societies working in the Baltic Sea Region were present in the meeting, either in person or online.
The project partners are 7 EU member states in Baltic Sea macro-region: Finnish Red Cross (leading organization), Estonian Red Cross, Latvian Red Cross, Lithuanian Red Cross, Polish Red Cross, German Red Cross, Danish Red Cross.
The project is funded by European Union within Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid program.