On 8 October, 2020 in Talsi region LatRC staff members and volunteers joined a seminar of representatives of LatRC regional branches, social centres and programs. During the event LatRC activities, services and projects were presented. As one of the recently implemented projects “BALTPREP – Enhancing regional preparedness and response capacity for major accidents in the Baltic Sea region” was presented. The actual information regarding the activities already carried out, results and planned events, like:
- International training on disaster management organised by Finnish Red Cross (26 – 29 October, 2020),
- International training on providing psychosocial support in emergencies organised by Danish Red Cross (27 – 30 October 2020),
- Recently made guidelines of the psychological support and disaster management.
was introduced by Ms Agnese Trofimova, manager of “BALTPREP” project.
Also everyone was welcomed to get acquainted with the Overview of capacity of every country in the Baltic Sea Region.