Published on 2.08.2017.
The first day of youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” started with some “ice-breaking” activities, participants learned about each other by working in groups, also, each team presented themselves to others. After that, participants did presentations and discussions about Red Cross movement and experience in working with older population/seniors. The main conclusion and one common obstacle in voluntary work with seniors are that in all YE member states, it’s difficult to attract young and responsible, appropriate young people who would like to work with seniors. Mostly the age of the volunteers who are engaged in the voluntary work reaches 60 years and more.
At the afternoon participants together with organisers visited LatRC Social care centre “Seda” in Valka region, where youngsters together with inhabitants of “Seda” joined at the creative workshop where they made a painted and decorated glass candleholders. After the workshop, each group went outside of the “Seda” and planted six trees. Each tree symbolises each Member State of YE – Latvia, Estonia, Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Portugal.
YE “Doing local, changing global” was realized in Latvia, Smiltene region, Grundzale district, Recreation Complex “Purgaili” and it was organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission with Latvian Red Cross co-financing.