Published on 07.08.2017.
The second day of youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” started with the evaluation of the first day and with the discussion about the 2nd day’s agenda. The second topic of YA was “Voluntary work with children and youngsters”. At the beginning of the day, each group presented their countries experience at the working with children and youngster, related activities, projects realised in state institutions and nongovernmental organisations. After presentations participants joined to the discussion about common and different methods in working with youth and children.
At the afternoon participants together with organisers went to Aluksne to visit the sports school, where participants of the YE organized games and different activities for children. After that, participants went to Multifunctional youth initiative centre, to hear about actualities and activities in this centre.
YE “Doing local, changing global” was realized in Latvia, Smiltene region, Grundzale district, Recreation Complex “Purgaili” and it was organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission with Latvian Red Cross co-financing.