Published on 08.08.2017.
The third day of the youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” – started with the morning exercise and the evaluation of previous day (success of the activities, presentations, cultural evening) and the continuation of the 3rd day. As usual, each country presented their experience and discussed aspects of organizing activities for children and youngsters with special needs and from social risk (NEET, street youngsters etc.) groups.
At the afternoon participants went to Education institution of social correction „Naukšēni”, to meet with teenage children with behaviour problems. Institution creates protection for children providing necessary conditions for their development and welfare. Institute gave participants an impression on their work. Around 40 young people are obliged by the court to stay at this place. They all have a criminal record and it is their last chance to change before they have to go to the prison. The crimes vary from robbery to assault, which resulted in death. They stay there between 1 and 3 years. The correctional Institute offers education and leisure program.
YA participants organised different games for youngsters, which coped them together.
YE “Doing local, changing global” was realized in Latvia, Smiltene region, Grundzale district, Recreation Complex “Purgaili” and it was organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission with Latvian Red Cross co-financing.