Published on 20.08.2017.
At the closing day, YA participants together with organisers met in Purgaili, to evaluate whole Youth exchange: agenda, activities, presentations, gained knowledge about the volunteer work its types and opportunities for youngsters to do volunteer work.
In addition, discussion were hosted, where participants exchanged their views on successes and results of the YA and on what should be improved, to make next youth exchanges even more interesting, effective and versatile. Participants gave their impressions about their experience in this YA.
As one of the results of “Doing local, changing global” was to host international social campaign/volunteer work activity in all six project member states (Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal) at the same time. Its main goal was to draw attention to how important youth and youth volunteer work is important in the whole world and that Red Cross youth are united.
Campaign #YouthIsNow will be hosted through It will be launched on 12 August, International Youth day. Every JA participant will post 3 collages of photos (1st: all project participants (36 people), 2nd: all six groups, 3rd each member of the group (5-6 persons)) in a special red frame with logos of Erasmus+ and 6 Red Cross societies and slogan YOUTH IS NOW, to these photos short message will be added:
12 of August – happy International Youth Day! 🙂
International camaign #YouthIsNow within youth exchange #Doinglocalchangingglobal by ErasmusPlus program
On 2-12 July 36 #RedCross youngsters from Latvia, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Estonia and Austria joined together at the international youth exchange #DoingLocalChangingGlobal by #ErasmusPlus, organized by Latvian #RedCross. 12 days they learned about youth volunteer work, it’s types, did it practically by helping local society and exchanged experiences of how to help people more efficiently, who need our help the most.
To learn more about this youth exchange, please visit his site
All posts hashtags #YouthIsNow #TogetherWeCanHelp #RedCrossYouth #RedCross #DoingLocalChangingGlobal #ErasmusPlus were added to promote publicity of Erasmus+ program, YA “Doing local, changing global”, Red Cross youth and Red Cross slogan “Together we can help”.
At the closing day of YA every participant took their portrait photo, which will also be posted on Facebook, as profile photo.
During the campaign, participants will ask their friends to also post similar photos and collages and to add hashtags mentioned above.
At the afternoon, every group did short interviews for YA video where they answered couple of questions about YA.
The Youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” was organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission with Latvian Red Cross co-financing.