Latvian Red Cross invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS
to participate in educational activities!
The planned sessions in APRIL are:
Date | Themes |
23rd April at 10:00-12:00 | A session “A Set for Modern Mothers”
A creative session “Preparation for the Mother’s Day” |
The sessions will take place at 1B Sarlotes Street, Riga. Mothers and fathers are very welcome to come to the sessions together with their children! Children will have the possibility to stay in a special playground area. The participation in the support groups – educational activities is free of charge. To receive more information please call: + 371 67336653. The activity “The Support Group for Young Parents” is organised within the framework of the Integration Fund project of the third country nationals of Europe No. IF/2013/1.a./12 “Open to the World, Open to Diversity”.