Published on 12.06.2017.
On 7th – 10th June 2017 Red Cross youth volunteers and staff members from six countries – the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Estonia, Portugal and Latvia met in Riga for the advance planning visit of the youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” organised by the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) which will be held on 2nd – 12th of July in Smiltene region, Latvia.
The main goal of this visit was to get to know more about the aims, tasks and planned results of the youth exchange. During the visit participants met with Uldis Likops, Secretary General of the Latvian Red Cross and also learned more about the history, development, programs and recent projects of the LatRC. Youngsters also joined team-building activities to get to know each other.
All participants were introduced to the detailed agenda of youth exchange in July, they also exchanged ideas and opinions on how to make “Doing local, changing global” experience more effective and interesting to all participants.
After the informative part the participants visited LatRC Short –stay accommodation centre “Burtnieks” and Crisis centre “Burtnieks” to see its daily work, and then went to recreation complex “Purgaili” in Smiltene region which will be the place of the youth exchange for July.
The Youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” is organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+:Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission.