Project closed in 30 August, 2017.
Since 15 May 2017, the association “Latvian Red Cross” implements the project “I Decide, I Do” (No. 3.4.-20), that is implemented in cooperation with the association “Latvian Civic Alliance” and Ministry of Culture within the framework of the project “On Carrying Out Certain State Administration Objectives in the Sphere of Civic Society Development and Inter-Cultural Dialogue”. The project is financed by the state budget of the Republic of Latvia.
Project implementation period: 15 May 2017 – 30 August 2017
Objective: To facilitate the ability of LatLRC employees and volunteers to provide quality and comprehensive support to inhabitants of Riga and Riga region to improve their quality of life, including to ensure defence of interests of socially less protected inhabitants.
Project implementation place: LatLRC Riga Center Committee, 1B Šarlotes Street, Riga
The target audience of the project is LatLRC employees and volunteers, at least 60 people whose work (incl. volunteer work) is related to provision of social services/help to the less protected part of inhabitants of Riga and Riga Region.
Key activities and results of the project:
Key activities
During the project three training courses will be organised, where the participants will obtain new knowledge and develop the existing knowledge and skills in decision-making, interest defence, argumenting and conflict solving to be able to provide comprehensive support, to consult and encourage socially less protected inhabitants of Riga and Riga Region, thereby improving their quality of life and integration in society.
As a result of project activities, the participants will be urged to be aware that they can change their lives by improving their living conditions. The project will allow the involved to get to know their strengths and weaknesses, their opportunities and threats. The awareness of their own abilities will allow the participants to be more successful in the labour market and arrange their lives, thereby facilitating their social integration in Riga.
The training course will be led by Inese Šubēvica. Inese has university degree in communication sciences, long-term experience in leading training courses to NGO representatives, state and municipality institutions and companies, youngsters, youth organisations and youth activists. Inese is experienced in working with different social groups. Inese is an amazing expert and lecturer about topics as participation, interests defence, youth work, communication, cooperation, etc.
Total budget of the project: EUR 1,329.18
Project manager: Solvita Bespalova, assistant to the head of the International and Public Relations Programme of the association “Latvian Red Cross”: +371 67686312, e-mail: