On 24 July 2019, within the international Red Cross project “AVAIL- Amplifying the voices of asylum seekers and refugees for integration and life skills”, Latvian Red Cross organised educational excursion for families of refugees and asylum seekers (RAS) to Tervete Nature Park.
It was a great opportunity for RAS to know more about Latvia and to spend time with their families. More than 40 RAS learned about Latvian literature and met amazing inhabitants of the Nature Park.
With a help of tour guide, participants learned about the characters of Latvian literature: Sikstulis, The Witch, Lutausis etc., they also did several sports activities. Participants admitted that they enjoyed this day very much andgot to know very useful information about nature’s treasures: mushrooms, berries, plants, trees etc. A fairy tale “Spriditis” (written by Latvian author Anna Brigadere) ant its main character, the brave boy Spriditis, also impressed participants.
On behalf of Latvian Red Cross, thanks to Ropazi Municipality for successful cooperation and for providing transport.