The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC, Geneva) is concerned about the humanitarian impact of the conflict escalation along the line of contact, which started in the morning of 27 September 2020. There are civilians among the casualties reported on both sides.
The ICRC calls on the sides to take all measures necessary to ensure that civilian life and infrastructure is respected and protected, in line with their obligation to respect basic rules of international humanitarian law.
“We reiterate our commitment to assist and support those affected by this escalation as well as to act as a neutral intermediary”, said regional director Martin Schüepp. “We urge the sides to exercise all the efforts possible at all times to abide by the principles of the international humanitarian law”.
The ICRC has been present in the region since 1992 carrying out humanitarian work in the region in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Through the delegations in Baku and Yerevan and the mission in Nagorno-Karabakh, the ICRC supports communities living along the line of contact and international border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The ICRC also works to clarify the fate of missing persons and help their families, visits detainees and acts as a neutral intermediary to facilitate transfer and repatriation of released persons.