Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) in February, continued to implement the international project “BALTPREP – enhancing regional preparedness and response capacity for major accidents in the Baltic Sea region”. It aims to improve and optimize quality and interoperability of the Red Cross and Civil Protection Authorities regional response capacity for major accidents and severe disruptions.
Taking into account the general COVID-19 pandemic both in Latvia and in the world, the project activities are implemented using online platforms.
In February, several project meetings took place to discuss the project closure period, preparation of documents and reports, as well as project evaluation activities in the “BALTPREP” project member states.
For example, LatRC employees who participated in the international training on psychosocial support in emergencies that was organized by Danish RC in October 2020, gathered together once more in 24th February in order to discussion the organization of online training on psychosocial support. The discussion focused on an evaluation of the training and a brief overview of the methods and activities used in the online training – tools to be used in the future to keep participants motivated to acquire new knowledge. Moreover, on February 25, a LatRC volunteer who had participated in the Table-top exercise few months earlier, shared her view of the gained experience.
Work was also carried out on the final video of the project, in which project leaders from each country share the experience and knowledge gained through the project. It will be available on LatRC communication channels from the beginning of March.
More about the project HERE.