The Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) together with the Finnish RC (main coordinator), the Lithuanian RC and the Estonian RC have been implementing the European Union-funded project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready” since January 2022.
Context & overall objectives
Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as Finland are geographically situated in the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Population of this area is about 11’551,000 people. Countries shared coastline is almost 70 per cent (5’640 of 8’000 kilometer) of the Baltic Sea coastline. Baltic states and Finland share common features and challenges, including similar risks of emergencies and crisis that can have national but also regional implications. These includes the impacts of climate change, socio-economic instability and segregation, migration, terrorism, and geopolitical tension.
“EvRe – Evacuation ready” project will deepen the co-operation of Red Cross and civil protection authorities focusing on enhance capacities for set-up and organize evacuation centers with various emergency support services. Project will create standard operation procedures (SOP) for joint operations and by establishing new capacities for large-scale evacuations in cross-border operations caused by emergencies, natural disasters or other types of hazards. The project strengthens the Red Cross auxiliary role to authorities on large-scale emergencies at national and regional level.
Implementation period 2 years starting from Jan 2022
Work planned & main achievements
By the end of the project, the participating countries will benefit from a better understanding of existing response capacities and assets around the region, more trained staff and volunteers in evacuation center activities and receiving international assistance. At the end of the project, the regional response capacities are tested both in a table-top exercise and in field training exercise.
- Cross-border response plans are developed/improved, taking account host nation support
- SOPs for evacuation center activities and receiving international assistance have been developed
- Staff and volunteers have been trained for evacuation center activities and cross-border operations
- Cross-border operational collaboration in disaster response is tested and strengthened.
Results & impacts
As a main result of the EvRe project, improved cooperation and coordinated capacities will take place as well as improved practical capabilities in prevention, preparedness and response between the Red Cross and civil protection authorities. After the project, both Red Cross and authorities have strengthened capacities to respond in large scale national and cross-border disasters which required a coordinated approach.
Budget 0,3 M EUR (85 % EU Contribution) • 4 EU member states in Baltic Sea Region: Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. •
Project manager in Latvia: Aija Strazda,, +371 67336653
More information about the project is found in Finnish Red Cross homepage HERE!
Shipwreck in the coastal waters of Estonia: evacuation is practiced during the field exercise
Published on 18.09.2023.
This weekend Estonian, Finnish, Latvian and Lithuanian Red Cross are exercising response in the event of a ship accident, which, according to the scenario, will bring almost 1800 people to the coast of Hiiumaa.
The goal is to develop cross-border cooperation in case of a mass evacuation. More specifically, how to register, temporarily accommodate and then send back to home county people, who survived a cruise ship accident. The field exercise takes place in the port of Heltermaa and Rohuküla, and elsewhere in Haapsalu.
“Besides a shipwreck, there are other situations when a large-scale evacuation may be necessary, incl. sea level rise or military attack. Baltic countries and Finland should be able to think and act in the same way, that’s why we are practicing together today,” said Gert Teder, disaster preparedness coordinator of the Estonian Red Cross and leader of the exercise.
He added that today the Estonian Red Cross has nearly hundred volunteers who are trained to help in various accidents and crises. Actions are taken together with the state and support is given to the agencies that lead rescue operations. If necessary, requests for help are sent to the Red Cross of neighboring countries; just like in this exercise.
The exercise took place on 15-17 September and 60 people participate in it. The Rescue Board, Police and Border Guard Board and Women`s Voluntary Defence Organization are also involved. The exercise is funded by the European Union and is part of the Evacuation Ready project.
LatRC staff and volunteers participate in international trainings in 3 countries
Published on 06.06.2023.
From 9 to 11 May Ms Baiba Lucaua –Makalistere, volunteer and First Aid specialist joined the training within the international RC project “Evacuation Ready – EvRe” that was organised in Tallinn, Estonia. During the training participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland simulated the ferry accident close to the shore of the island of Estonia. The main goal was to learn how to strengthen the preparedness and corss-border cooperation. During the training available resources of NS were identified, 5 day accommodation process of evacuees was planned, including NS input in transport their citizens to their home countries.
Published on 27.03.2023.
On March 18 and 19, the international Red Cross Training of Trainers for Setting up and Running the Evacuation Center Activities took place in Riga, Latvia. The training was organised within the framework of the international project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready“.
The goal of the training was to strengthen the ability of Red Cross staff and volunteers to respond in emergencies, understanding of the principles of setting up an evacuation center, providing needed support, services and assistance to people who are forced to leave their places of residence.
The training included such topics:
- evacuation center services and their expansion in case of escalation of an emergency situation, including availability of food and drinking water, safety, provision of basic needs, provision of psychological first aid,
- cross-border cooperation with Red Cross national societies of other countries,
- coordination, alarming system and additional recruitment of volunteers.
The training was conducted by Finnish RC trainers. A total of 14 people participated in the training: LatRC staff and volunteers from Kurzeme, Vidzeme, Latgale and Daugavpils regional branches, Danish RC and State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia was represented as well.
From January 2022, LatRC implements the international project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready” – together with the Lithuanian and Estonian RC. The main coordinator of the project is the Finnish RC.
Main objective of the project: a better understanding of the existing response capabilities and resources across the region is gained among the RC national societies in Baltic Sea region. More staff and volunteers will be trained, strengthening the skills that would be needed to operate in the activities of the evacuation center and the provision of international assistance.
The project will be implemented until January 2024, is funded by the European Union.

Published on 09.01.2023.
On 15 December 2022 staff and volunteers of the Latvian Red Cross regional branches joined the training that was organized within the project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready”. Participants learned about the project, its goals, main activities and the results, that should be achieved during the EvRe.
“EvRe – Evacuation ready” project deepens the co-operation of Red Cross and civil protection authorities focusing on enhance capacities for set-up and organize evacuation centers with various emergency support services. In the project standard operation procedures (SOP) for joint operations are created by establishing new capacities for large-scale evacuations in cross-border operations caused by emergencies, natural disasters or other types of hazards. The project strengthens the Red Cross auxiliary role to authorities on large-scale emergencies at national and regional level.
The training covered such topics:
- The importance and mandate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the National Societies of the Red Cross in emergency situations, including natural disasters,
- Process for requesting international assistance, competences of the parties involved,
- State emergency situation plan and LatRC position in it,
- The course of practical training to be held in March 2023, in which emergency situation experts from the Finnish Red Cross will be involved.
During the training, the participants also had the opportunity to learn about current events in the LatRC First Aid program – organization of trainings and competitions for pupils, preparation of the necessary documentation and implementation of communication with the parties involved in the activities.
A total of 26 people participated in the training.
The training was led by Mr Lauris Mainieks, LatRC First Aid and Emergency Situations Program Coordinator, and Ms Solvita Bespalova, Head of International and Public Relations Program.

The Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) together with the Finnish RC (main coordinator), the Lithuanian RC and the Estonian RC have been implementing the European Union-funded project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready” since January 2022.
During the project, meetings are regularly held with the international partners involved in the project to share current events and experience in the implementation of the project.
Project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready” activities in May, 2022
On 3 and 24 May, 2022, a meeting of the coordinators of the project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready” took place, during which the project activities were planned, the preparation of the necessary documentation, communication activities and other issues related to the development of “EvRe” were discussed. The project will run until January 2024.
“EvRe – Evacuation ready” project will deepen the co-operation of Red Cross and civil protection authorities focusing on enhance capacities for set-up and organize evacuation centers with various emergency support services. Project will create standard operation procedures (SOP) for joint operations and by establishing new capacities for large-scale evacuations in cross-border operations caused by emergencies, natural disasters or other types of hazards. The project strengthens the Red Cross auxiliary role to authorities on large-scale emergencies at national and regional level.
LatRC is implementing the international project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready”
Published on 24.03.2022.
The Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) together with the Finnish RC (main coordinator), the Lithuanian RC and the Estonian RC have been implementing the European Union-funded project “EvRe – Evacuation Ready” since January 2022.
Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as Finland are geographically situated in the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. Population of this area is about 11,551,000 people. Countries shared coastline is almost 70 per cent of the Baltic Sea coastline. Baltic states and Finland share common features and challenges, including similar risks of emergencies and crisis that can have national but also regional implications. These include the impacts of climate change, socio-economic instability and segregation, migration, terrorism, and geopolitical tension.
Evre – Evacuation ready project will deepen the co-operation of Red Cross and civil protection authorities focusing on enhance capacities for set-up and organize evacuation centers with various emergency support services. Project will create standard operation procedures (SOP) for joint operations and by establishing new capacities for large-scale evacuations in cross-border operations caused by emergencies, natural disasters or other types of hazards. The project strengthens the Red Cross auxiliary role to authorities on large-scale emergencies at national and regional level.
Implementation period: 2 years starting from Jan 2022