In March 2023, LSK started the implementation of the international project “EU4Health – provision of high-quality and timely psychological first aid to people affected by the Ukrainian crisis in Ukraine and the affected countries”.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) as the project coordinator together with 25 Red Cross national societies and the IFRC MHPSS Center, will provide comprehensive support to more than 590 000 people:
- displaced persons in the territory of Ukraine,
- for Ukrainian citizens in other European countries,
The target group of the project is aid workers, children, elderly people, people with disabilities, national communities, Red Cross workers and volunteers.
Within three years, psychological first aid and mental health and psychosocial support will be provided to the target group both in person and through hotlines and other activity platforms, building and strengthening the capacity of volunteers and employees of Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies.
LatRC implements the project in Latvia in accordance with three main directions of project implementation – ensuring psychological PP, promoting the mental health of LSK human resources and strengthening cooperation with local and international partners.
Projektu finansē Eiropas Savienības Komisijas ģenerāldirektorāts, kas ir atbildīgs par ES politiku pārtikas nekaitīguma un veselības aizsardzības jomā (DG SANTE).