The Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) is implementing a project under the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, supported by Swiss Contribution funding. The initiative aims to reduce social and economic disparities within the European Union. Through various activities, the LatRC promotes the integration of asylum seekers, refugees, and displaced persons into Latvian society, focusing on fostering inclusive communities and ensuring equality in economic, social, and cultural processes.

The project in Latvia aims to reach over 1,000 people by offering Latvian language training, employment skill development, and social cohesion activities that enhance mutual understanding between newcomers and local communities.

Project Implementation Period: June 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025

The project is also being implemented in Lithuania, Romania, and Hungary, aiming to support thousands of people across the region, fostering regional cooperation and sharing experiences among participating countries.

Planned Results in Latvia:

  • 300 participants in language training courses
  • 700 participants in social cohesion activities
  • 200 participants supported through employment and skill development initiatives

Project Manager: Lauma Strode


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