On 24 January 2020 within the international project “AVAIL – Amplifying the voices of asylum seekers and refugees for integration and life skills” Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) organised a closing event “Intercultural Kitchen”.
Project manager Ms Agnese Trofimova presented the information about all the activities, results and lessons learnt during the project. Videos created by all project partners in other countries during the project were demonstrated.
Refugees and asylum seekers who participated in event had the opportunity to receive educational brochures about such topics as NGOs, Education, Volunteering, Employment Rights in Latvia etc. Full list of educational materials in Latvian, Russian, English and Arabic are found HERE.
Participants together with the project team discussed their two-year experience in AVAIL project.
Thanks to this project, LatRC had the opportunity to organise many different integration activities for refugees and asylum seekers, which helped them to get to know more about the Latvian culture and integrate into the local society.
These activities were important especially for families with children, because they helped them to forget a little what they have been experienced of becoming refugees and asylum seekers.
During the event refugees and asylum seekers together with their mentors made, presented their national dishes.
Project is funded by the European Union.