PrepAGE project – National Workshop in Latvia
23.04 2015Uncategorized
During the last two months, all partners hosted National Workshops which were organized to have a discussion in order to identify the needs, structures and measures to prepare and reach older people in emergencies and disasters. The aim was to bring together experts from the health and social sector and the field of disaster management …
LatRC invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities
21.04 2015Uncategorized
Latvian Red Cross invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities! The planned sessions in APRIL are: Date Themes 23rd April at 10:00-12:00 A session “A Set for Modern Mothers” pressure of the modern society; changes in the psyche of a mother; psychological complexes; other possible problems and changes. A creative session “Preparation …
Latvian Red Cross 100: CONGRATULATIONS
20.11 2018Uncategorized
Published on 20.11.2018. Today, 100 years ago, in 20 November, 52 Latvian doctors, layers, engineers and public servants well known in society signed a protocol for establishing the Latvian Red Cross national society. And now, after the century, we are proud of all the good and significant things the Latvian Red Cross volunteers and staff …
Latvian Red Cross educational integration event: cinema and lunch
26.10 2018Migrants and refugees
On 24 October 2018, the Latvian Red Cross within the international project “AVAIL- Amplifying the voices of asylum seekers and refugees for integration and life skills” organised a cinema visit and lunch for all participants after the movie. Before going to the cinema, refugees together with LatRC staff members chose a movie, which they would …
Latvian Red Cross educational integration event for refugees and asylum seekers “Latvia’s and Latvian RC` 100 year anniversary”
26.11 2018Migrants and refugees
On 15 November 2018, the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) within the international project “AVAIL- Amplifying the voices of asylum seekers and refugees for integration and life skills” organised an event “Latvia’s and Latvian Red Cross` 100 year anniversary”. It was organised together with asylum seekers and refugees, who made traditional meals of countries of their …
LatRC invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities
21.04 2015Uncategorized
Latvian Red Cross invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities! The planned sessions in APRIL are: Date Themes 23rd April at 10:00-12:00 A session “A Set for Modern Mothers” pressure of the modern society; changes in the psyche of a mother; psychological complexes; other possible problems and changes. A creative session “Preparation …
LatRC invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities
08.04 2015Uncategorized
The Latvian Red Cross invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities! The planned sessions in APRIL are: Date Themes 16th April at 17:00 – 19:00 Session on breastfeeding: benefits of breastfeeding; when and how to start breastfeeding correctly; the most frequent problems of breastfeeding (shortage of milk, lactostasis, mastitis, wrong postures); the most frequent …
The game – Worst Case Hero – now available
25.02 2015Uncategorized
The on-line training application “Worst Case Hero” was expanded and adapted for use in six countries within the Aware & Resilient project that aims at improving disaster preparedness by sharing information, strengthening communities and acting together. It allows players to learn about preparing for three different disaster scenarios: Flood, Power Outage and Flu Pandemic and …
Integrated children`s camp “Summer in Kauguri 2018”
31.07 2018Uncategorized
Published: 31.07.2018. In 16. – 27 July, in Kauguri (Jurmala, Latvia) Latvian Red Cross Riga Centre branch organised an integrated children’s day camp “Summer in Kauguri 2018” for children with special needs. During the camp kids participated in art, music and Canis therapy lessons. In addition, children took action into different creative workshops: they made …
LatRC invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities
12.05 2015Uncategorized
Latvian Red Cross invites YOUNG AND BECOMING PARENTS to participate in educational activities! The planned sessions in May Date Themes of sessions 14th May 10:00–12:00 The theme of the session: child’s development “crises” until the age of 1.5 years What is a “development crisis” and how does it express? (reasons for the crisis and its …
LatRC hosts meeting for RC colleagues of European Red Cross NS`s, ICRC and IFRC to discuss common principles of effective communication
30.06 2015Uncategorized
In 28 – 30 May in Riga, Latvian Red Cross hosted a meeting of the European Public Support Group (EPSG). In this meeting colleagues form Belgium, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Great Britain, Latvia, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland RC National Societies as well as from International Committee of the Red Cross …
LatRC participates at European Anti Poverty Network meeting
29.06 2015Uncategorized
On 18-19 June Latvian Red Cross represented European EAPN-Latvia in Belgium, Leuven within the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN-Europe) training. EAPN representatives from 24 countries were going through statistics and EU-policies and working on suggestions on how to get poverty context on EU agenda in order to improve the situation of the most deprived and …