Work therapy project within LatRC Rezekne branch and Norwegian Red Cross Oppland branch cooperation
27.07 2015Uncategorized
Within LatRC Rezekne branch and Norwegian Red Cross Oppland branch cooperation, 12 families in Rezekne region are participating at the Work therapy project for social risk families. The project funds were used to buy seeds of vegetables, herbs and berries that were given to the families in order to plant them in their gardens, thus …
IFRC Secretary General visits Latvian Red Cross
21.07 2015Uncategorized
On 9-10 July, Red Cross EU office Coordination Group meeting took place in Riga, Latvia. The meeting was attended by Mr. Elhadj As Sy, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Mr. Leon Prop, Director of Red Cross EU Office and members of the Coordination group from German, …
International Youth Training Camp “BE SAFE & HEALTHY”
25.08 2015Uncategorized
On the 3rd-6st August 2015, Latvian Red Cross Youth hosted the educational camp in Abragciems, Latvia with more than 40 participants from German, Estonian, Belarus, Ukrainian and Latvian Red Cross Youth. During the first three days everyone had an opportunity to join six First Aid trainings/ workshops, in which they went through couple of scenarios …
LatRC Riga centre branch meeting with German Red Cross Hamburg-Harburg branch
25.08 2015Uncategorized
LatRC Riga centre branch hosted a meeting for their 10 years long cooperation partners – colleagues from German Red Cross Hamburg-Harburg branch. During the regular meeting the team discussed the activities that were made during the last year and also made the future cooperation plans.
The State Employment Agency publishes a brochure“First steps to employment” for refugees and persons with alternative status
10.01 2018Uncategorized
Published on 10.01.2018. The State Employment Agency (SEA) of Latvia has published the brochure for refugees and for persons with alternative status “First steps to employment” in Latvian, English, Russian, Arabic and Tigrin languages. Based on “The Action Plan for Movement and Admission in Latvia of Persons who Need International Protection”, the brochure includes information about …
Riga and Hamburg – Harburg RC youth friendship camp
20.08 2015Uncategorized
On 6-8 August 2015 LatRC Youth, in collaboration with LatRC Riga Centre branch, in the LatRC Social Centre “Kauguri” (Latvia) hosted an event – a friendship camp for Red Cross Youth divisions of Hamburg-Harburg (Germany) and Riga centre branch (Latvia). The main goal was to get to know each other better while participating at the …
Latvian National and regional TV news: PrepAGE evacuation training in LatRC social care centre
09.09 2015Uncategorized
Evacuation training in LatRC Social Care Centre “Sturisi” was documented by regional LTV1 and local Talsu TV: Please see the videos (latvian) here: Video form LTV1 daily news
Evacuation training at LatRC social care centre
09.09 2015Uncategorized
On 3rd September Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) organized a community based exercise – evacuation training in the LatRC Social Care Centre Sturisi in Laidze, Talsi region. 130 inhabitants who daily live in the centre are mostly elderly people who suffer from dementia, have mental or movement disorders. The training was organized within international project PrepAGE …
Norwegian RC and Latvian RC – joint project on Work therapy
17.09 2015Uncategorized
On 4th-6st of September Latvian Red Cross Rezekne branch together with Norwegian Red Cross Oppland branch and Rezekne municipality visited social risk families which participated in the joint project “Work therapy”. It gave the possibility to see the results of this project and also to listen to the stories and experience of participants. The project …
Participant gives feedback on Youth Exchange experience in Latvia
08.09 2017Uncategorized
Published: 08.09.2017. We are happy to receive a feedback from one of the participants of the Youth Exchange “Doing local, changing global”. Feel free to enjoy it! Written by Daniel Podzimek, Youth Ambassador, Netherlands Red Cross “The Red Cross Youth Exchange, that was organized by the Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) and funded by the Erasmus+ program of …
YE “Doing local, changing global”: 6st day
15.08 2017Uncategorized
Published on 15.08.2017. 6st youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” day – hike. The day started with dividing participants into mixed groups, that every group had one youngster from each country. During the meeting, each group received maps, directions, tasks and then – the hike began. The main goal of this trip was to get from …
YE “Doing local, changing global”: 4TH day
09.08 2017Uncategorized
Published on 09.08.2017. Fourth youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” day – as usual it started with mooring exercise, also energizer “getting out of the comfort zone”, the evaluation of previous day and discussing fourth days agenda. This day’s topic was “First aid and health promotion”. LatRC Youth council director and active LatRC First aid …