On 21 – 30 August 2019 representatives from Latvian Red Cross (LatRC) joined experience exchange meeting in Great Britain. It was organised within the international Red Cross project “AVAIL- Amplifying the voices of asylum seekers and refugees for integration and life skills”. All partners attended the meeting and it was organised to give participants the opportunity to see and learn more about the diverse situation related to refugees, asylum seekers (RAS) and their integration, the access to work and education, as well as life before and after receiving refugee or alternative status. Participants also learned about the services of Red Cross mentors/cultural mediators, mechanisms on how to include RAS in specific activities and access to social services in different regions of Great Britain. The meeting was held in Birmingham (England) and in Newport (Wales).
Representatives of project partner countries – Great Britain, Ireland, Italy and Latvia – discussed and shared their experience of working in AVAIL project. Participants also made plans for further project activities for Autumn 2019.
During the meeting, employees of Hellenic Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies shared their experience online in working with RAS in Greece.