Published on 15.08.2017.
6st youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” day – hike.
The day started with dividing participants into mixed groups, that every group had one youngster from each country. During the meeting, each group received maps, directions, tasks and then – the hike began. The main goal of this trip was to get from Riga to Kauguri, Jurmala (LatRC Social Centre “Kauguri”). Participants travelled by train to Majori stopped and walked further making their own routes. During the hike each team had to do tasks mentioned in received information:
- learn three sentences in Latvian;
- learn at least one recipe of a traditional Latvian food;
- walk 30 minutes in a silence;
- accomplish at least one voluntary activities during the trip.
Each team successfully reached the final destination. Tired but happy – all participants learned a lot about their group members and also about themselves, they learned a lot from doing the tasks, learned Latvian, did volunteer work activities and etc.
Participants got ready for the next day with last topic “Voluntary work with animals and environment/nature projects”.
YE “Doing local, changing global” was realized in Latvia, Smiltene region, Grundzale district, Recreation Complex “Purgaili” and it was organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission with Latvian Red Cross co-financing.