In 2002 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NS) made ERNA network of NS`s that focus on reducing the prevalence of the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, in order to strengthen activities that are carried out in European region. In 2015 NS`s decided to make a new strategy for 2016-2025, and Latvian Red Cross is involved in the strategy development.
On February 11-12 the Latvian Red Cross hosted a strategic meeting of ERNA in Riga, Latvia. During this meeting, the strategy of the ERNA for the duration of 2016 – 2025 was decided. The main goal of the strategy is to define and work with present problems related to HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in order to help those who are living with these illnesses. At the meeting, it was also decided to include hepatitis C and to improve collaboration between ERNA and international health organizations.
40 RCRC National Societies are members of the network. The participants in the meeting in Riga were our colleagues form Italian, Belarusian, Estonian, Armenian, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan Red Cross and Red Crescent National societies and from International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
More information about the ERNA network you can find in the homepage, here: http://erna.redcrossredcrescent.com/en/