Published on 10.08.2017.
5th youth exchange “Doing local, changing global” topic – “Voluntary work with refugees and asylum seekers”, which is actually for all European counties. All participants left Purgaili and went to Riga, where was an informative seminar related to this topic – organised by Latvian Red Cross. Participants met representatives of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and Society Integration Foundation.
A representative of UNHCR Didzis Melbiksis gave participants very valuable information about present facts, UNHCR’s experience and statistics related to global migration and migration processes in Europe. A representative of Society Integration Foundation gave an insight into the support program of providing a social worker and social mentor services to asylum seekers, refugees and people with alternative status and into actual statistics.
After lectures, teams from Austria and Germany presented their countries experience in realizing support programs and activities, to help refugees and asylum seekers. Also, teams talked about different integration programs and projects.
After discussions and presentations, participants went to visit the most beautiful places of the Old City of Riga and got ready for next days – hiking trip.
YE “Doing local, changing global” was realized in Latvia, Smiltene region, Grundzale district, Recreation Complex “Purgaili” and it was organized by the Latvian Red Cross within the program “Erasmus+: Youth in Action”, it is funded by European Commission with Latvian Red Cross co-financing.